Easy Beauty

Beauty startles us, wakes us, ruffles us and leaves us hanging in a daze. My boyfriend and I are waiting for our food at a newly opened brunch restaurant, sitting in strange, braided plastic chairs…

Flying Thoughts

It begins an hour before I need to be at the airport. There is time to lay in bed and drape myself in a light blanket and let the edges of my body sink. My…

The Sky I Was Born Under

I was born under a sky that is as serious as the Pacific ocean. That black ocean is close enough I can smell it rolling my suitcase off the tarmac at SeaTac airport. We are…

When No One Was Looking

Once, when no one was looking, I danced in the black night under a bright and playful moon. I had music in my ears, I had sprinted up the hill and around the neighborhood as…

The unfolding

Something has stirred me out of a long, antsy sleep. It’s been almost a year since I’ve smoothed open the cold pages of a new journal. It’s been almost a year since I signed and…

Still the Sun

I’m in Mesa, Arizona, in the backseat of C’s car. I watch the desert expand itself as we travel east out of the city. We are leaving behind the watered cactuses and thick palm trees…

There is no need to leave

The east-chasing breezeĀ  Brings night to my bare skin Red shifts to blue, It brings daughters back home again There is no need to leave When breeze asks you to go Stay and see what…

Are you busy right now?

Paul locked the bar door, and waited for me to find my keys. The door sealed behind us and I tugged the handle to make sure it was locked. Usually, after I shoo all the…